Access. Organize. Secure.

Redefining Catheter Securement and Site Management

The SureSet™ Safe-Track Strain Relief Technology™ creates a streamlined system to reliably stabilize the PIV catheter and organize the infusion tubing.

Current PIV Challenges

Asset 1

Over 300 million peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVs) are used yearly in the United States1 with a failure rate of up to 69%2

Asset 2

50% of clinicians agree that catheter dislodgment is a significant, unaddressed issue in their facility3

Asset 3

41% of a hospital’s PIV material costs are caused by unscheduled restarts4

Introducing the SureSetTM Peripheral IV Device

Our innovative Safe-Track Strain Relief Technology™ makes SureSet™ unlike any other IV securement device.

Access. Organize. Secure.

The Benefits of Stabilization Devices
Like SureSet™

Asset 4
81% reduction

in unscheduled interruptions2

Asset 4
42% reduction

in complications5

Asset 4
33% increase

of lifespan of an IV insertion6

Asset 4

Potential savings for a 300-bed
hospital using 60,000 PIVs per year4

Asset 5
Simple Application

SureSet™ is applied to a standard protective dressing, which allows an easy and fast setup of the infusion site.

Easy Site Access

The clinical care team can conveniently access and manage the infusion site and extension tubing.

A Consistent and Defined Standard of Care

SureSet’s uniform method uses fewer adhesives on the skin, resulting in less variability, increased safety and improved patient comfort and satisfaction.

Asset 6
One-Step Removal

The protective dressing and the device can be easily removed together.

Learn More about how SureSet Securement can become your new standard of care